If it looks like getting out of town is out of the question for you, or you just don’t feel like dealing with the hassle of packing and traveling, now is the perfect time to enjoy a staycation in your very own apartment!
While your apartment rental should always feel like a place where you can relax and live stress-free, take it up a notch and make this weekend feel like a real vacation with our tips on how to make your home an oasis.
Go Off the Grid

The real beauty in taking a staycation is the ability to unplug and detach from the rest of the world for a bit. Now is the perfect time to close your laptop and unplug your phone as the work emails can wait. Enjoying your time in your apartment should allow you to have down time and just relax. Don’t worry, work will still be there afterwards, so let yourself indulge.
Sleep In

Don’t set that pesky alarm that has you up and going the first thing every work morning. Allow your mind and body to catch up on some much-needed ZZZ’s. Sleeping in is one of the perks of enjoying a staycation. The phone may beep and buzz, but don’t pick it up. Wake up slow, the world will wait for you.
Read a Book

Nothing is more enjoyable than a nice cozy nook and a book for a day of total relaxation. Find a good read from that bookshelf that’s been collecting dust because you just haven’t found the time to sit and enjoy a good book. Turn the pages slow and really soak in the down time. Find a cozy spot on your sofa, brew some tea and read on.
Wear Pajamas All Day

It looks like a stay-in-your-PJs kind of day. Yup! That’s right: nowhere to go, no responsibilities and no need to get dressed today. Allow yourself a day or two to indulge in being oh-so-comfy in your favorite pair of PJs or a robe. Nothing says relaxation quite like a day dedicated to not having to get dressed and ready.
Indoor Oasis

Want to create the perfect staycation? Get some plants and flowers for the apartment and just enjoy the beauty and aromas. You can even spice things up with some bamboo to give you that vacation-feel. Light some scented candles. Make your environment your own little oasis and enjoy the ambiance.
Hang a Hammock

Nothing’s more relaxing than swinging on a nice comfy hammock. The best part is they are easy to install. Hang a hammock inside or outside and just enjoy the wind hitting your face as you softly rock back and forth. Freeze time as you blissfully drift away into your thoughts and just let the stress of the week melt away.
Order In

A solid staycation calls for room service please! That’s right, put down the spatula this weekend as you deserve to be waited on hand and foot. Order in some of your favorite foods and just indulge. The best part is that calories don’t count on your staycation, so dig on in! And less dishes to clean too!
Spa Treatment

As you indulge in your staycation you deserve to be pampered. So, light the candles, dim the lights, turn on some music and pour in some bubbles. A nice hot bubble bath, face mask and some cooling foot cream can go a long way when it comes to relaxation.
Make a Fort

Relaxing plus fun is the best combination. Get a little bit of both by making a fort. If you have a couch, some pillows and blankets at home then you have all the tools you need to make a fort. It will feel just like camping but without the bears!
Movie Marathon

Binge watch all your favorite movies or TV shows. Nowadays you don’t even have to leave the couch to rent all your favorite movies, old or new. You can pick any genre you want – in the mood for a scare or a good cry? You can watch it all while relaxing right from your couch or bed. Netflix and chill – for a whole entire weekend.
Making the best of your time in your apartment is essential for recalibrating yourself and relaxing. When you just don’t feel like packing up and heading out there are plenty of ways to make your stay-at-home feel just like a vacation.
Looking for more ways to live stress-free?