Spring into Cleaning!
With the Vernal Equinox just past, it’s officially Spring! Flowers, warmer weather, longer days, sunshine, and the unavoidable: Spring Cleaning. But don’t get frustrated by the potential of a weekend spent with dusters and vacuums and mops. Instead, follow along with our room-by-room task list to make this yearly undertaking easier. Stay stress-free with these helpful tips.

You want the place where you get clean to be as clean as possible, right? Start with removing any shower liners, as it’s best to replace them every six months. Your best bet will be to stop at the top and work your way down. Dust any vents in the ceiling. After you’ve completed that, you can do a quick wipe down of the walls – they likely don’t need a full scrubbing. Do a solid cleaning of the toilet, shower, and sink. If you’d like to go an extra step, soak any faucets or shower heads in a vinegar solution to decrease any lime or calcium buildup.
Once you’ve completed these steps, a quick vacuum and some mopping should do the trick. Now you’ve got yourself a clean bathroom!

For the kitchen, first things first: go through your refrigerator and freezer and discard anything that’s expired or well past its time, if you know what we mean. After that, remove everything from both and clean the surfaces inside. If your freezer needs to be defrosted, load everything into a cooler with plenty of ice and unplug it. Be sure to give the fridge at least 8 hours to cool down after plugging it back in. Now you can start to tackle any out-of-date items in your cabinet or pantry.
Be sure to safely dispose of all edible and potable items. After you’ve tackled the food items, wipe out your oven, clean your range, shake out any crumbs from the toaster, run the dishwasher with only a bowl of vinegar on the top rack to clean it out, and wipe down all faucets, cabinets, and countertops.
Living Rooms

In the living room, you can again start from the top and work your way down. If you have a ceiling fan, dust off the blades. Once you’ve done that, don’t put the duster away! Be sure to get all the nooks and crannies of bookcases, mantles, windows, door frames, crown moldings, etc. Take down any curtains and wash them. Vacuum and mop your floors or steam them as well. Wipe down doorknobs, door frames, windows, etc. Make sure that all your decor is holding up and not affecting any walls or frames.

In the bedroom, dust your ceiling fan blades, bureau, bedside tables and any other surface that needs it. Vacuum and mop or steam your floors as well. It’s best to change your pillows out every 4-6 months, so take your old ones and donate them to a local animal shelter. Change the sheets and trade out your heavy blanket for a lighter one to help you stay cool through the warmer months ahead.
If you change out your wardrobe, this is the perfect opportunity to go through your drawers and closets to find any clothes you either no longer wear or don’t fit. Donate them to a local clothing drive or non-profit, or you can bring them to a consignment shop to earn a little extra income.

On that first beautiful spring day, you want to be able to sit outside on your balcony or patio and watch the flowers bloom on the trees. Make sure your space is clean by collecting and discarding any blown leaves, weeds, etc. Spruce up your entrance with a new welcome mat. Clean the exteriors of your windows with a vinegar solution (who knew it had so many cleaning uses!) for a streak-free shine. Wipe down the patio or balcony furniture and enjoy the fruits of your labor!
View our Spring Cleaning Checklist to ensure you don’t miss a step!
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